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  • 2024-04-18 06:11:10


    • 2024-04-18 06:11:12


      Sure, I can assist you with that. In a hotel parking lot, it's common to have valet parking services where an attendant will park your car for you. You can simply drive up to the entrance of the parking area and hand over your keys to the valet. They will park your car for you and bring it back when you need it. It's a convenient service that many hotels offer to their guests. If you have any specific questions or need further assistance, feel free to ask.

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  • 2024-04-04 20:55:11


    • 2024-04-04 20:55:12


      At the parking payment station, you might hear somethingAt the parking payment station, you might hear something insert $50 for you might hear something like this: "Please insert $50 for 2 hours of parking." In this case, you would reply: "I would like to pay for 2 hours of parking, here is $50." If you need more time, you can say: "I need additional time, please add another hour." If there's a discount available, they may say: "Would you like to purchase a daily pass for $10? It's a discounted rate." You can respond accordingly based on your needs.

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  • 2024-04-03 12:31:20


    • 2024-04-03 12:31:21


      Yes, Qingming Festival is a public holiday in many countries. It's a time for paying respect to ancestors and loved ones who have passed away. Do you have any plans for the holiday?

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